Wednesday 16 January 2013

Weigh in Week 2 & Metafit

Well it's Wednesday again which means its weigh in day! Managed to lose another pound this week which makes me happy! It's not as much as last week obviously but a loss is a loss and have you seen what a pound of fat looks like?!

I would post an image for your benefit but my stupid iPad won't let me!! Go google it!

Not much to report this week, after my weekend I've been focusing on eating healthy and working out so that combined with my hectic work schedule has left little time for much else!

I've been snooping around at a lot of other blogs, mainly to get recipe ideas and motivation from people who have been on or are on a weightless journey but also because I'm nosy! Although the sole intention of this blog was to document my journey, these blogs have inspired me to post about a variety of other things which I'm looking forward to!

First on my list is a post I had planned to do anyway for the lovely Laura at Keeping healthy getting stylish on Get Fit Feel Epic which I hope to post this weekend. I'm then going to bore you all with random posts that take my fancy!

Moving on to the second part of my post title - Metafit! Holy smokes that class is hard! For those who haven't heard of it, it's a half hour HIIT (high intensive interval training) class so basically six exercises repeated 4 times - 50 seconds on, 10 seconds off and on it goes until the end so tonight's class looked like this...

Warm up
50 seconds burpees
10 second rest
50 seconds mountain climbers
10 second rest
50 seconds squat jumps
10 second rest
50 seconds crab press ups
10 seconds rest
50 second lunge jumps
10 second rest
50 second plank jacks
10 second rest


I don't think that list gives justice to how goddamn hard it was!! But it does only last half an hour so you feel like you can suck it up as its over before long!!

What exercise do you do / enjoy? I've always wanted to try yoga esp hot yoga but there are no classes near me - boo!

And if there are any other great blogs I'm missing out on please let me know!

Lisa xx

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