Wednesday 2 January 2013

Starting weight and week 1

Well back to work tomorrow after over a week off, that alarm is going to hurt in the morning!

Half of today has been spent holding on to holiday mode with both hands - long lie, steak pie for dinner and the last of the Christmas chocolate scarfed down with a cup of tea! The other half has been spent in organisational mode - washing/housework up to date, gym classes booked and a healthy shop completed!

As well as eating too much I've also spent waaay too much money so my healthy eating also has to be as cheap as possible! I know everyone says that healthy food is cheap but it really isn't - 68p or a pepper or 2 packets of rank pasta and sauce for 50p!!! Anyway I digress...... I spent around £50 on shopping earlier which included some non food items but I'm hoping I have enough stuff to last at least 2 weeks - I think soups and batch cooking will be my friend, as mentioned in my previous post I'm aiming to eat clean most of the time. This means nothing processed, no white bread, rice or pasta and it goes without saying that crisps, chocolate, cakes etc are off the menu!

Basically I'll be eating chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, beans, lentils, quinoa, oats, lots of veg etc anything fresh! Plenty of water and going to try not to add salt to anything I eat.

I weighed myself tonight after dinner and will weigh in every Wednesday night after work. So my starting weight is.......10 st 10lbs - a fair bit heavier than I thought! Ideally I want to lose a least 1lb a week - we have a family wedding at the end of March so if I lost 1lb a week I'd be 9.12 for the big day.

I'm going to take it one day at a time and planning is key. Tomorrow looks like this......

Spin class before work - struggle to get up but I always feel great during the day once it's done.

Breakfast - 1 slice rye bread toasted w/ one tomato and 1/4 avocado

Lunch - chicken, brown rice, cherry tomatoes

Snacks - tangerine and carrot sticks

Bootcamp after work

Dinner - same as lunch!

And no snacking after dinner!!

I'll update you all in a couple of days with how it's going - if you have any tips or cheap healthy recipes please share them!

Lisa xx

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