Monday 7 January 2013

Surviving the weekend!

Well I did it, I stayed on track the full weekend - go  me!

Friday night I went for a 5K run / walk after work - getting back into running is one of  my goals for this year so I've decided to try and do 5K a few times a week with the view to improving my time each month.  My first attempt took me 39 mins to complete.  This was a  mix of walking / running so I'm okay with that and now it gives me a benchmark to work against!

Friday night I made turkey and chickpea curry which was surpisingly yummy! Had it with brown rice and froze two portions to have this week sometime.

Saturday morning I had a much needed long lie, got up and had rye bread with avocado, tomato and a poached egg.  Had a tangerine at about 3 then went to a spin class.

Came home and made a yummy porridge made with organic oats and almond milk.  Added chia seeds, almond butter and some shredded coconut - amazing!! So that was dinner.  Sat night me and J had a night in watching movies - this is where I would usually eat something - he made cheese on toast later in the evening and it was ridiculously difficult not to have any but I managed!

Sunday morning we took the dog for a massive walk around the woods, on the way home fat boy decided he wanted a Burger King for lunch, again it took all my willpower to say no!! I had my eggs, rye bread and avocado when we got in and felt much better for it!  Went for a 30 min run on the treadmill followed by a sauna and jacuzzi which felt great, although  my legs were like jelly when I got out!

Made a big pot of lentil, carrot and leek soup when I got home and happily sat and ate two bowls of that for dinner followed by half a protein bar and a tangerine!

Prepped lunch and snacks for today (cous cous with tomato, pepper and cucumber) and chopped pineapple for a snack later.

Then it was time for bed! 

One thing that has helped me is doing the big shop of all healthy things, instead of going to the supermarket to pick something up for dinner or lunch, knowing that I need to make something based on the ingredients I have is keeping me on track money wise and diet wise!

And I've still managed not to step on the scales for a sneaky peek - the temptation is strong though but I want to maintian a weigh in once a week so I dont get disheartened!

How are you all doing?  Any tips for surviving the weekend?

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