Sunday 13 January 2013

Making sensible choices!

Sunday night again and for the most part another successful weekend!

As mentioned in my previous post it was my sister in laws bday yesterday which meant a family meal and alcohol. I've read up a lot on cheat meals \ cheat days and how they can benefit your weight loss etc and to be honest I'm still not convinced if this is something I'd do every week however it def made me feel less guilty about a meal out!

We had errands to run during the day and an early start to go pick some things up - J decided he'd have a McDonald's breakfast muffin and a coffee to eat on the road, usually I'd have the same although I'd opt for a bagel or porridge thinking it was healthy! Sensible choice no1 - I got up half an hour early and made rye bread, egg and avocado - much better and filled me up a lot more!

We got stuff done quicker than we hoped so we decided to go for an impromptu cinema date! Usually even if I'm not that hungry ill have a small salted popcorn and a diet coke or a scoop of ice cream - food at the cinema, that's just what you do right? Wrong! Sensible choice no2 - I had a bottle of water and didn't even steal a handful of Js popcorn. I'm trying to re- educate myself, seriously it's a 2 hour film, I don't need snacks to sustain me for 2 hours!

Had a nap when I got home then woke up and got ready for dinner. This is where my brain starting battling logic! Having not eaten since breakfast (which I know isn't good) half of me was thinking you know what just eat whatever you want, have some wine you deserve it etc while the other half knew I could still have a good night and remain sensible!

We went for Indian food - usually I'd have Korma which as you prob know is loaded with cream and fat and I'd also sink several glasses of wine which is basically a glass full of sugar! So sensible choice 3 - I stuck with vodka and soda all night despite the countless bottles of wine being shared and I had 1 glass of champagne! For dinner I chose tandoori chicken which is cooked in the oven with no fat or creamy sauces and it was delicious! I'm no saint, I had a couple of bits of peshwari nan bread and I had rice but I don't think my choices were that bad!

So the moral of the story is that if I view this as a lifestyle and not a 'diet' I can still participate in social events and have fun as long as I continue to make the best choices possible!  This might be commonplace to most people but making these choices throughout the day was a really big deal for me and I feel proud that I did it : )

Got my food and exercise sorted for tomorrow and I'm excited for my weigh in on Wednesday!

Hope everyone else had a great weekend!

Lisa xx


  1. I think this is the best approach to weight loss without a doubt, knowing the best choices to make when you are eating out so you can still have fun is the way to go! Don't forget to enter my Get Fit, Feel Epic giveaway!

  2. Thanks Laura! I've been prowling your site today for recipe ideas! : ) going to get my entry written this week - excited, I neeeeeed those scales! X
