Wednesday 28 August 2013

Day one (again!) and setting goals!

My first day back on track went fairly well........

Got up early to do a weights session at the gym followed by a 10 minute run - 257 calories burned before breakfast isnt a bad start!

Foodwise I had a small sachet of porridge with blueberries for breakfast, chicken salad with some brown rice for lunch, carrot sticks and greek yoghurt as snacks and smoked cod with some halloumi, brocolli and carrots for dinner.

Had a biscuit with a cup of tea later in the evening but all in all not a bad day. 

Decided I want to reward myself for every 7lbs I lose as extra motivation - although the motivation itself should be getting fit and healthy but I'm shallow and want pretty things!

So for my first 7lbs I'm going to get my nails done - they badly need a manicure and possibly some shellac, usually I'd get them done this weekend as its pay day but I'm going to hold off and keep it as a treat!

Have my food all prepped for today - no gym this morning but have a class after work.  also bought a foam roller last night which was much needed as my DOMS are out of control after so long away from the gym!

Does anyone else treat themselves for weightloss goals or milestones?  What are you currently lusting after?

Lisa xx

Monday 26 August 2013

I'm baaaaaaaack!

Yes I'm back, one stone (yep!) heavier, a new house later and lots of other happenings including a 2 week holiday to Italy and I'm still overweight and unfit!

Blogging kept me focused before, it may do again- we shall see! So, starting weight 153 lbs! Heavier than I was at the start of the year FFS!!!

Away t  o get some healthy food shopping and write out a food\gym plan - promise I'll try and keep up to date more often.

As always - any advice or suggestions hugely welcomed!

L xx