Monday 1 April 2013

Ditching the scales

Happy Easter and it's April!!

So a quick catch up since I missed last weeks weigh in! I was leaving Thurs morning for the wedding, my size 10 dress fit perfectly and I felt great. Was going to weigh in but it was TOTM and I hadn't been great food wise and I didn't want to see a bad result on the scale which I know would have made me feel down - not what I wanted before a trip away!

So I went, looked and felt great in my dress, ate and drank with abandon and pretty much had an epic time!

Which leads me to my plans for April. I weighed in tonight and I'm 9'13 again which is 2lbs on. And I'm okay with that. I ended March pretty much where I wanted to be so I now need some new goals.

As well as my weighing myself tonight I also took measurements, photos and my body fat percentage. I also started a 6 week cross fit block of classes. So my plan is that I'm not going  to weigh myself again until the 6 weeks are up!

Gaaah, I'm such a scales junkie so this will be hard but I'm determined to do it!

Food and exercise plans.....

Food - pretty simple, im sticking with my 2 fast days a week and will eat clean the rest of the time. I've decided to cut out dairy and bread too. I only usually have rye bread but lately I've had stomach pains after eating it so m going to cut it out completely for the 6 weeks. Dairy is usually only milk in my tea and Greek yoghurt but I've been reading more and more about dairy and it's effects so I'm keen to try and not have it. I'll replace my usual milky tea with green tea which is better for me anyway I guess!

Exercise - I have 2 crossfit sessions a week. Going to keep my 2 Metafit classes too as well as my sporadic body pump and spinning classes where I can fit them in. Still want to run more but we'll see how that goes! And the last one is yoga - all my local classes are at stupid times so I'm looking into DVDs - an recommendations?

And that's it - 2 months until Summer : )

Hope you all had a great Easter!

Lisa xx

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