Tuesday 12 November 2013

Whole 30 - Day 1 recap and organisation

Well yesterday was my first trial day on Whole 30 - ended up having one cup of tea with a splash of milk and one small slice of toast with my omelette last night but apart from that I stayed on track.

Considering I'd usually have around 6 cups of tea I'm counting this as an achievement and one slice of toast with a 2 egg omelette is a lot less than I'd usually have at dinner - baby steps and all that!

So on to day 2 - on all the blogs I've read the one thing that stands out is how organised you need to be with your food prep - something I havent yet done which is going to cause me serious problems unless I get on it!

Had a banana with flaked organic coconut and almonds for breakfast.  For lunch I planned to pick up a whole chicken from Tesco before work and have chicken breast with veggies for lunch and take the rest home for dinner....yeah they had no chickens ready at 8am this morning - FAIL!

So I wandered around looking for something I could have - all packaged meat has a million ingredients and bad things so they are off the menu and apart from a microwave we dont have any cooking facilities at work!

I ended up with a bag of salad, a sweet potato and an avocado - so uninspiring but actually after I had nuked the potato in the microwave and chopped it into the salad with the avocado it made for a really tasty and filling lunch!

The test will be how long it fills me up for!

There's pulled pork cooking in the slow cooker at home as I type so thats my plan for dinner along with a mountain of veg and I'll have the same for lunch tomorrow!

Still on the herbal tea and water for today which again is a miracle for me -  no headaches so far either - winning!!

Def need to get some meals prepped this weekend, maybe I'll take this week as easing myself into it and do it fully next week - either way its definitely making me  more mindful of what I'm putting in my body, although I was eating clean before I'd still maybe have some things with dodgy ingredients that I didnt realise so its all good!

Any Whole 30 blogs or recipes / reviews you can hit me up with then please leave a comment below!

Lisa xx

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