Gaaaaah! Went out on Friday night with some old school friends, instead of going to dinner first I went to the gym then made a healthy dinner before I went out. So far, so good!
Stuck to vodka and soda all night which was fine until the drunkenness kicked in.....someone brought a huge load of crisps over to the table and a box of shortbread appeared that one of th guys brought back from a Burns night and I ate and ate and ate!!
I then proceeded to get chips and cheese on the way home - I don't even like chips and cheese FFS!!! Ate the lot, fell into bed fully clothed and woke up feeling like death yesterday! Think. Had a food hangover more than an alcohol one! Felt sluggish and yucky all day!
Trying not to beat myself up about it but I'm so annoyed and disappointed : (
I'm away all week with work so I won't get to the gym as much, won't have full control of my food and will miss my weigh in on Wednesday.
I'm just going to do the best I can food and exercise wise and I need to draw a line under my epic fail and get on with it! Safe to say I won't be drinking again for a while!
How do you deal with slip ups?
Lisa xx
Sunday, 27 January 2013
Wednesday, 23 January 2013
Weigh in week 3
3 weeks in already! Not very successful this week as I stayed the same! So still 10'4
I could list loads of reasons and start freaking out but I'm not going to! At the end if the day I decided this was going to be a lifestyle change and not a diet so m just going to keep at it!
I've still lost 6lbs in 3 weeks which is great! My cravings for bad food are disappearing and I think I can see the beginnings of a difference in my shape - less bloated due to not adding salt to anything and drinking loads of water plus there is def more definition in my legs from the gym - win win!
So just a short update tonight! How do you handle weight loss disappointments? And how often do you weigh yourself if you do?
Lisa xx
I could list loads of reasons and start freaking out but I'm not going to! At the end if the day I decided this was going to be a lifestyle change and not a diet so m just going to keep at it!
I've still lost 6lbs in 3 weeks which is great! My cravings for bad food are disappearing and I think I can see the beginnings of a difference in my shape - less bloated due to not adding salt to anything and drinking loads of water plus there is def more definition in my legs from the gym - win win!
So just a short update tonight! How do you handle weight loss disappointments? And how often do you weigh yourself if you do?
Lisa xx
Monday, 21 January 2013
Get Fit, Feel Epic
If you’ve read any of my earlier posts, you’ll know that I started 2013
with a resolution to become fit and healthy once and for all. My weight has fluctuated all over the place
in recent years and I think I’ve followed every diet under the sun – clearly none
of them were that successful or I wouldn’t be about to embark on another one!
However, here lies the difference – this time I’m not doing it to
become skinny or just as a quick goal until I go on holiday etc etc, this time
I want to make a serious lifestyle change and do things that are sustainable
for my future health and well being.
The lovely Laura over at keeping healthy getting stylish is holding a ‘GetFit, Feel Epic’ competition in conjunction with Not only is the prize to die for especially
for someone starting this kind of journey! But the opportunity to sit down and
really think about how I plan to ‘Get Fit, Feel Epic’ this year was really
useful too.
I got down to my lowest weight a couple of years ago by following
Weight Watchers – I’m sure you all know how the WW programme works – you get a
set amount of points each day depending on your age and various lifestyle
factors and you can use them however you like – no food is off limits provided
you stick to your points. I would like
to point out that I did the old version of the plan where fruit was pointed and
there were no extra points for the weekend etc – I think I had 17 points every
day and that was it!
I think I did it for about 18 months and lost over 2 stone so you could
say it did what it promised. However, it
taught me nothing about healthy food or how to maintain my weight – unless of
course I wanted to continue to count points for the rest of my life which I
really didn’t!
My diet for those 2 years was something like Weetabix for breakfast, a
sandwich made with WW bread and a packet of ‘healthy’ crisps like quavers for
lunch, dinner was a WW ready meal with loads of veggies to bulk it out then I’d
use my last 2 points for a bar of chocolate or a WW dessert after dinner!!
Looking back I cant believe I ate like that for 2 years!
Most of the diet was pointed towards WW branded foods which were a
godsend at the time – the points were printed on the packet meaning that I didn’t
need to calculate anything but it was all processed junk. As an example, half an avocado would have
cost me something like 8 points (remember I was only on 17 a day) yet I could
have 4 curly wurly’s or 8 packets of
quavers for the same points!!! For a fat girl trying to lose weight and stop
myself being hungry things like avocado were never going to win!
So the inevitable happened, I reached my goal weight and more, thought
that was it, stopped going to meetings and as soon as I stopped counting points
my weight gradually went back up! Im now a stone heavier than I was when I left
WW a couple of years ago which for all intents and purposes isn’t that bad!
I’ve probably waffled on a bit, the point of this post isn’t to bash
Weight Watchers and what is to some a very successful diet programme! Its to
tell you all how I plan to Get Fit, Feel Epic in 2013!
First of all I want to eat clean.
I wouldn’t fill my car with junk and expect it to run so why would I do
the same to my body? Eating clean for me
means no processed foods, no sugar, no white bread, pasta, rice etc and of
course no sweets, chocolate, crisps etc.
I’m 2 and a half weeks into this so far and I’ve lost 6lbs – I’m also
really enjoying it!
Its taken a bit of planning and more meal prep than I was used to but
it does mean that I’m eating healthy home cooked meals from scratch for
breakfast , lunch and dinner! I’ve experimented with quinoa, pearl barley,
loads of different veggies, clean pancakes and desserts and if I’ve been
peckish snacks have been Nakd bars or fruit and nuts!
My goal for continuing this is to cook at least 2 new recipes a week
and experiment with foods I wouldn’t normally try or put together.
As a sidenote – meal planning and eating like this is saving me huge
amounts of money which was another
resolution of mine – lose lbs, save £s if you will!
Next part of my plan is exercise! I’ve always been a bit of an all or
nothing girl when it comes to working out I’ve also been known to be constantly
chasing the next quick fix or big thing when it comes to working out. Those infomercials telling you that for
£99.99 you can get a 12 dvd set and lose a stone in 5 minutes – they’re talking
to me!!! I swear I get sucked into everything under the sun! At one point I was paying £60 a month for a
gym membership that I didn’t use, £32 for a bootcamp membership that I didn’t use,
£18 a month for online nutrition advice that I ignored and I also have insane
amounts of work out dvds, dumbells, kettlebells, a hula hoop and a mini
trampoline – all unused!!! Until now!
So at the start of 2013 I cancelled the bootcamp membership and the
nutrition advice, sold all the dvds apart from my 2 favourites on ebay and made
a deal with myself that I’d keep the gym membership provided that I went at
least 3 times a week and made use of the spa facilities to make some relaxation
time for me. And its working, I’ve been
about 4 times a week for the past 3 weeks, have tried different classes like
metafit and I’ve been spending time in the sauna and Jacuzzi after classes
which is bliss!
After abusing my body with so much yo yo dieting and junk food, I
actually have no idea where my natural weight should be. For the next couple of months I’m going to
eat clean without counting calories – although I will be mindful of how much I’m
eating and listen to my body when I’m full.
I’m going to work out regularly but I’m not going to kill myself in the
gym just to be a size smaller – I want to have a fun life and still be able to
have dinner with my boyfriend and drinks with my friends – I just want to be
So that’s my plan, if you’ve managed to read all of this well done :
) I’m looking forward to seeing where I
am at the end of March and if it is possible to lose weight by being sensible and
healthy rather than following some fad!
I’ll keep you posted!
Lisa x
Wednesday, 16 January 2013
Weigh in Week 2 & Metafit
Well it's Wednesday again which means its weigh in day! Managed to lose another pound this week which makes me happy! It's not as much as last week obviously but a loss is a loss and have you seen what a pound of fat looks like?!
I would post an image for your benefit but my stupid iPad won't let me!! Go google it!
Not much to report this week, after my weekend I've been focusing on eating healthy and working out so that combined with my hectic work schedule has left little time for much else!
I've been snooping around at a lot of other blogs, mainly to get recipe ideas and motivation from people who have been on or are on a weightless journey but also because I'm nosy! Although the sole intention of this blog was to document my journey, these blogs have inspired me to post about a variety of other things which I'm looking forward to!
First on my list is a post I had planned to do anyway for the lovely Laura at Keeping healthy getting stylish on Get Fit Feel Epic which I hope to post this weekend. I'm then going to bore you all with random posts that take my fancy!
Moving on to the second part of my post title - Metafit! Holy smokes that class is hard! For those who haven't heard of it, it's a half hour HIIT (high intensive interval training) class so basically six exercises repeated 4 times - 50 seconds on, 10 seconds off and on it goes until the end so tonight's class looked like this...
Warm up
50 seconds burpees
10 second rest
50 seconds mountain climbers
10 second rest
50 seconds squat jumps
10 second rest
50 seconds crab press ups
10 seconds rest
50 second lunge jumps
10 second rest
50 second plank jacks
10 second rest
I don't think that list gives justice to how goddamn hard it was!! But it does only last half an hour so you feel like you can suck it up as its over before long!!
What exercise do you do / enjoy? I've always wanted to try yoga esp hot yoga but there are no classes near me - boo!
And if there are any other great blogs I'm missing out on please let me know!
Lisa xx
I would post an image for your benefit but my stupid iPad won't let me!! Go google it!
Not much to report this week, after my weekend I've been focusing on eating healthy and working out so that combined with my hectic work schedule has left little time for much else!
I've been snooping around at a lot of other blogs, mainly to get recipe ideas and motivation from people who have been on or are on a weightless journey but also because I'm nosy! Although the sole intention of this blog was to document my journey, these blogs have inspired me to post about a variety of other things which I'm looking forward to!
First on my list is a post I had planned to do anyway for the lovely Laura at Keeping healthy getting stylish on Get Fit Feel Epic which I hope to post this weekend. I'm then going to bore you all with random posts that take my fancy!
Moving on to the second part of my post title - Metafit! Holy smokes that class is hard! For those who haven't heard of it, it's a half hour HIIT (high intensive interval training) class so basically six exercises repeated 4 times - 50 seconds on, 10 seconds off and on it goes until the end so tonight's class looked like this...
Warm up
50 seconds burpees
10 second rest
50 seconds mountain climbers
10 second rest
50 seconds squat jumps
10 second rest
50 seconds crab press ups
10 seconds rest
50 second lunge jumps
10 second rest
50 second plank jacks
10 second rest
I don't think that list gives justice to how goddamn hard it was!! But it does only last half an hour so you feel like you can suck it up as its over before long!!
What exercise do you do / enjoy? I've always wanted to try yoga esp hot yoga but there are no classes near me - boo!
And if there are any other great blogs I'm missing out on please let me know!
Lisa xx
Sunday, 13 January 2013
Making sensible choices!
Sunday night again and for the most part another successful weekend!
As mentioned in my previous post it was my sister in laws bday yesterday which meant a family meal and alcohol. I've read up a lot on cheat meals \ cheat days and how they can benefit your weight loss etc and to be honest I'm still not convinced if this is something I'd do every week however it def made me feel less guilty about a meal out!
We had errands to run during the day and an early start to go pick some things up - J decided he'd have a McDonald's breakfast muffin and a coffee to eat on the road, usually I'd have the same although I'd opt for a bagel or porridge thinking it was healthy! Sensible choice no1 - I got up half an hour early and made rye bread, egg and avocado - much better and filled me up a lot more!
We got stuff done quicker than we hoped so we decided to go for an impromptu cinema date! Usually even if I'm not that hungry ill have a small salted popcorn and a diet coke or a scoop of ice cream - food at the cinema, that's just what you do right? Wrong! Sensible choice no2 - I had a bottle of water and didn't even steal a handful of Js popcorn. I'm trying to re- educate myself, seriously it's a 2 hour film, I don't need snacks to sustain me for 2 hours!
Had a nap when I got home then woke up and got ready for dinner. This is where my brain starting battling logic! Having not eaten since breakfast (which I know isn't good) half of me was thinking you know what just eat whatever you want, have some wine you deserve it etc while the other half knew I could still have a good night and remain sensible!
We went for Indian food - usually I'd have Korma which as you prob know is loaded with cream and fat and I'd also sink several glasses of wine which is basically a glass full of sugar! So sensible choice 3 - I stuck with vodka and soda all night despite the countless bottles of wine being shared and I had 1 glass of champagne! For dinner I chose tandoori chicken which is cooked in the oven with no fat or creamy sauces and it was delicious! I'm no saint, I had a couple of bits of peshwari nan bread and I had rice but I don't think my choices were that bad!
So the moral of the story is that if I view this as a lifestyle and not a 'diet' I can still participate in social events and have fun as long as I continue to make the best choices possible! This might be commonplace to most people but making these choices throughout the day was a really big deal for me and I feel proud that I did it : )
Got my food and exercise sorted for tomorrow and I'm excited for my weigh in on Wednesday!
Hope everyone else had a great weekend!
Lisa xx
As mentioned in my previous post it was my sister in laws bday yesterday which meant a family meal and alcohol. I've read up a lot on cheat meals \ cheat days and how they can benefit your weight loss etc and to be honest I'm still not convinced if this is something I'd do every week however it def made me feel less guilty about a meal out!
We had errands to run during the day and an early start to go pick some things up - J decided he'd have a McDonald's breakfast muffin and a coffee to eat on the road, usually I'd have the same although I'd opt for a bagel or porridge thinking it was healthy! Sensible choice no1 - I got up half an hour early and made rye bread, egg and avocado - much better and filled me up a lot more!
We got stuff done quicker than we hoped so we decided to go for an impromptu cinema date! Usually even if I'm not that hungry ill have a small salted popcorn and a diet coke or a scoop of ice cream - food at the cinema, that's just what you do right? Wrong! Sensible choice no2 - I had a bottle of water and didn't even steal a handful of Js popcorn. I'm trying to re- educate myself, seriously it's a 2 hour film, I don't need snacks to sustain me for 2 hours!
Had a nap when I got home then woke up and got ready for dinner. This is where my brain starting battling logic! Having not eaten since breakfast (which I know isn't good) half of me was thinking you know what just eat whatever you want, have some wine you deserve it etc while the other half knew I could still have a good night and remain sensible!
We went for Indian food - usually I'd have Korma which as you prob know is loaded with cream and fat and I'd also sink several glasses of wine which is basically a glass full of sugar! So sensible choice 3 - I stuck with vodka and soda all night despite the countless bottles of wine being shared and I had 1 glass of champagne! For dinner I chose tandoori chicken which is cooked in the oven with no fat or creamy sauces and it was delicious! I'm no saint, I had a couple of bits of peshwari nan bread and I had rice but I don't think my choices were that bad!
So the moral of the story is that if I view this as a lifestyle and not a 'diet' I can still participate in social events and have fun as long as I continue to make the best choices possible! This might be commonplace to most people but making these choices throughout the day was a really big deal for me and I feel proud that I did it : )
Got my food and exercise sorted for tomorrow and I'm excited for my weigh in on Wednesday!
Hope everyone else had a great weekend!
Lisa xx
Wednesday, 9 January 2013
Weigh in week 1
Well the results are in. After a full week of eating clean, working out and drinking plenty of water I have lost 5lbs!!!!! Beyond pleased with that result! I know a lot of it will be Christmas weight just coming off and I certainly don't expect another result like it but WOW!!
It hasn't been easy but let me tell you it's not as hard as people would have you believe! I never felt hungry, I ate lots of yummy food and snacks and didnt count a singe point or calorie - just good healthy unprocessed food and I put in some effort at the gym!
That's it! Now for week 2! Im still only aiming or 1lb a week and I still have my target of being in the 9s for Chris's wedding at the end of March - that's what I'm focusing on.
It's Js sisters birthday this weekend which means a family meal and drinks but I'm viewi g this as a lifestyle change and not a diet so I'll go, have fun and I'll make the most sensible choices I can food and drink wise then get right back on it on Sunday!
Made sweet potato chilli for dinner tonight with some grilled turkey with Cajun spices - really tasty so that's lunch for 2m sorted too : ) actually enjoying cooking and coming up with new recipes - plus I'm fast getting through all my cupboard staples like quinoa and lentils that have been languishing doing nothing while I stuffed my face over Christmas!
If theres anyone out there reading this, please leave a little comment to say hi or with any advice : ) I started this to keep me accountable and so at the end of the year I could look back on my progress but it would be nice to know of anyone in the journey with me!
Lisa xx
It hasn't been easy but let me tell you it's not as hard as people would have you believe! I never felt hungry, I ate lots of yummy food and snacks and didnt count a singe point or calorie - just good healthy unprocessed food and I put in some effort at the gym!
That's it! Now for week 2! Im still only aiming or 1lb a week and I still have my target of being in the 9s for Chris's wedding at the end of March - that's what I'm focusing on.
It's Js sisters birthday this weekend which means a family meal and drinks but I'm viewi g this as a lifestyle change and not a diet so I'll go, have fun and I'll make the most sensible choices I can food and drink wise then get right back on it on Sunday!
Made sweet potato chilli for dinner tonight with some grilled turkey with Cajun spices - really tasty so that's lunch for 2m sorted too : ) actually enjoying cooking and coming up with new recipes - plus I'm fast getting through all my cupboard staples like quinoa and lentils that have been languishing doing nothing while I stuffed my face over Christmas!
If theres anyone out there reading this, please leave a little comment to say hi or with any advice : ) I started this to keep me accountable and so at the end of the year I could look back on my progress but it would be nice to know of anyone in the journey with me!
Lisa xx
Monday, 7 January 2013
Surviving the weekend!
Well I did it, I stayed on track the full weekend - go me!
Friday night I went for a 5K run / walk after work - getting back into running is one of my goals for this year so I've decided to try and do 5K a few times a week with the view to improving my time each month. My first attempt took me 39 mins to complete. This was a mix of walking / running so I'm okay with that and now it gives me a benchmark to work against!
Friday night I made turkey and chickpea curry which was surpisingly yummy! Had it with brown rice and froze two portions to have this week sometime.
Saturday morning I had a much needed long lie, got up and had rye bread with avocado, tomato and a poached egg. Had a tangerine at about 3 then went to a spin class.
Came home and made a yummy porridge made with organic oats and almond milk. Added chia seeds, almond butter and some shredded coconut - amazing!! So that was dinner. Sat night me and J had a night in watching movies - this is where I would usually eat something - he made cheese on toast later in the evening and it was ridiculously difficult not to have any but I managed!
Sunday morning we took the dog for a massive walk around the woods, on the way home fat boy decided he wanted a Burger King for lunch, again it took all my willpower to say no!! I had my eggs, rye bread and avocado when we got in and felt much better for it! Went for a 30 min run on the treadmill followed by a sauna and jacuzzi which felt great, although my legs were like jelly when I got out!
Made a big pot of lentil, carrot and leek soup when I got home and happily sat and ate two bowls of that for dinner followed by half a protein bar and a tangerine!
Prepped lunch and snacks for today (cous cous with tomato, pepper and cucumber) and chopped pineapple for a snack later.
Then it was time for bed!
One thing that has helped me is doing the big shop of all healthy things, instead of going to the supermarket to pick something up for dinner or lunch, knowing that I need to make something based on the ingredients I have is keeping me on track money wise and diet wise!
And I've still managed not to step on the scales for a sneaky peek - the temptation is strong though but I want to maintian a weigh in once a week so I dont get disheartened!
How are you all doing? Any tips for surviving the weekend?
Friday night I went for a 5K run / walk after work - getting back into running is one of my goals for this year so I've decided to try and do 5K a few times a week with the view to improving my time each month. My first attempt took me 39 mins to complete. This was a mix of walking / running so I'm okay with that and now it gives me a benchmark to work against!
Friday night I made turkey and chickpea curry which was surpisingly yummy! Had it with brown rice and froze two portions to have this week sometime.
Saturday morning I had a much needed long lie, got up and had rye bread with avocado, tomato and a poached egg. Had a tangerine at about 3 then went to a spin class.
Came home and made a yummy porridge made with organic oats and almond milk. Added chia seeds, almond butter and some shredded coconut - amazing!! So that was dinner. Sat night me and J had a night in watching movies - this is where I would usually eat something - he made cheese on toast later in the evening and it was ridiculously difficult not to have any but I managed!
Sunday morning we took the dog for a massive walk around the woods, on the way home fat boy decided he wanted a Burger King for lunch, again it took all my willpower to say no!! I had my eggs, rye bread and avocado when we got in and felt much better for it! Went for a 30 min run on the treadmill followed by a sauna and jacuzzi which felt great, although my legs were like jelly when I got out!
Made a big pot of lentil, carrot and leek soup when I got home and happily sat and ate two bowls of that for dinner followed by half a protein bar and a tangerine!
Prepped lunch and snacks for today (cous cous with tomato, pepper and cucumber) and chopped pineapple for a snack later.
Then it was time for bed!
One thing that has helped me is doing the big shop of all healthy things, instead of going to the supermarket to pick something up for dinner or lunch, knowing that I need to make something based on the ingredients I have is keeping me on track money wise and diet wise!
And I've still managed not to step on the scales for a sneaky peek - the temptation is strong though but I want to maintian a weigh in once a week so I dont get disheartened!
How are you all doing? Any tips for surviving the weekend?
Friday, 4 January 2013
Obstacles and Instagram
Day 1 complete! Although it didnt exactly go to plan...
Got up early and made a class before work, came home and had a healhty breakfast as planned before leaving for work. So far, so good.
Healthy lunch was consumed as planned however by 2pm I had eaten my allocated snacks (carrot sticks, almonds and a tangerine) that were meant to last me the rest of the day - where had the hunger come from! Note to self - do not prepare a food plan when you are stuffed full of chocolate and steak pie as I was on Wednesday night! After the excess of Christmas I had forgotten what it was like to be hungry!
Caved and had a handful of maltesters that were in the office from before the holidays - FAIL! Came home and was starving, didnt go to the gym although as I had already worked out in the morning I didnt feel so bad about it.
Had my chicken and rice as planned with added beetroot then made a pot of soup for lunch the next day. Still hungry after my shower so had a protein bar with a cup of tea!
So food wise, not what I had planned but still a lot better than what I was eating - managed not to add salt to anything which is a miracle for me!
Stayed up late watching CBB last night which in turn meant I slept through my alarm for class this morning so my Friday night will now begin in the gym which I was hoping to avoid with a morning class but as long as I go I guess.
Lessons learned - do not underestimate how hungry I might be during the day - be prepared and take extra healhty snacks just in case (these dont have to be eaten!) Today I have a hard boiled egg and half a protein bar alongside my carrots and almonds should the afternoon hunger strike!
Also, I need a decent sleep if I'm going to be up early in the morning - no more lying in bed checking Twitter and staying up late for rubbish TV!
Going to do some batch cooking tonight - quinoa and butternut squash chilli and a turkey and chickpea curry - have the ingredients in for both and as they both serve 4 I can freeze portions for lunches next week.
Something I constantly crave is motivation - I love reading healthy eating blogs and weight loss blogs etc and my new favourite source of motivation is there are so many inspirational people posting from weight loss pics, to healthy food pics, to gym training pics - I love it!! Some of my favourites to follow are below - if you know any more please let me know along with any healthy / foodie blogs I should be following.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Lisa xx
Got up early and made a class before work, came home and had a healhty breakfast as planned before leaving for work. So far, so good.
Healthy lunch was consumed as planned however by 2pm I had eaten my allocated snacks (carrot sticks, almonds and a tangerine) that were meant to last me the rest of the day - where had the hunger come from! Note to self - do not prepare a food plan when you are stuffed full of chocolate and steak pie as I was on Wednesday night! After the excess of Christmas I had forgotten what it was like to be hungry!
Caved and had a handful of maltesters that were in the office from before the holidays - FAIL! Came home and was starving, didnt go to the gym although as I had already worked out in the morning I didnt feel so bad about it.
Had my chicken and rice as planned with added beetroot then made a pot of soup for lunch the next day. Still hungry after my shower so had a protein bar with a cup of tea!
So food wise, not what I had planned but still a lot better than what I was eating - managed not to add salt to anything which is a miracle for me!
Stayed up late watching CBB last night which in turn meant I slept through my alarm for class this morning so my Friday night will now begin in the gym which I was hoping to avoid with a morning class but as long as I go I guess.
Lessons learned - do not underestimate how hungry I might be during the day - be prepared and take extra healhty snacks just in case (these dont have to be eaten!) Today I have a hard boiled egg and half a protein bar alongside my carrots and almonds should the afternoon hunger strike!
Also, I need a decent sleep if I'm going to be up early in the morning - no more lying in bed checking Twitter and staying up late for rubbish TV!
Going to do some batch cooking tonight - quinoa and butternut squash chilli and a turkey and chickpea curry - have the ingredients in for both and as they both serve 4 I can freeze portions for lunches next week.
Something I constantly crave is motivation - I love reading healthy eating blogs and weight loss blogs etc and my new favourite source of motivation is there are so many inspirational people posting from weight loss pics, to healthy food pics, to gym training pics - I love it!! Some of my favourites to follow are below - if you know any more please let me know along with any healthy / foodie blogs I should be following.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Lisa xx
Wednesday, 2 January 2013
Starting weight and week 1
Well back to work tomorrow after over a week off, that alarm is going to hurt in the morning!
Half of today has been spent holding on to holiday mode with both hands - long lie, steak pie for dinner and the last of the Christmas chocolate scarfed down with a cup of tea! The other half has been spent in organisational mode - washing/housework up to date, gym classes booked and a healthy shop completed!
As well as eating too much I've also spent waaay too much money so my healthy eating also has to be as cheap as possible! I know everyone says that healthy food is cheap but it really isn't - 68p or a pepper or 2 packets of rank pasta and sauce for 50p!!! Anyway I digress...... I spent around £50 on shopping earlier which included some non food items but I'm hoping I have enough stuff to last at least 2 weeks - I think soups and batch cooking will be my friend, as mentioned in my previous post I'm aiming to eat clean most of the time. This means nothing processed, no white bread, rice or pasta and it goes without saying that crisps, chocolate, cakes etc are off the menu!
Basically I'll be eating chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, beans, lentils, quinoa, oats, lots of veg etc anything fresh! Plenty of water and going to try not to add salt to anything I eat.
I weighed myself tonight after dinner and will weigh in every Wednesday night after work. So my starting weight is.......10 st 10lbs - a fair bit heavier than I thought! Ideally I want to lose a least 1lb a week - we have a family wedding at the end of March so if I lost 1lb a week I'd be 9.12 for the big day.
I'm going to take it one day at a time and planning is key. Tomorrow looks like this......
Spin class before work - struggle to get up but I always feel great during the day once it's done.
Breakfast - 1 slice rye bread toasted w/ one tomato and 1/4 avocado
Lunch - chicken, brown rice, cherry tomatoes
Snacks - tangerine and carrot sticks
Bootcamp after work
Dinner - same as lunch!
And no snacking after dinner!!
I'll update you all in a couple of days with how it's going - if you have any tips or cheap healthy recipes please share them!
Lisa xx
Half of today has been spent holding on to holiday mode with both hands - long lie, steak pie for dinner and the last of the Christmas chocolate scarfed down with a cup of tea! The other half has been spent in organisational mode - washing/housework up to date, gym classes booked and a healthy shop completed!
As well as eating too much I've also spent waaay too much money so my healthy eating also has to be as cheap as possible! I know everyone says that healthy food is cheap but it really isn't - 68p or a pepper or 2 packets of rank pasta and sauce for 50p!!! Anyway I digress...... I spent around £50 on shopping earlier which included some non food items but I'm hoping I have enough stuff to last at least 2 weeks - I think soups and batch cooking will be my friend, as mentioned in my previous post I'm aiming to eat clean most of the time. This means nothing processed, no white bread, rice or pasta and it goes without saying that crisps, chocolate, cakes etc are off the menu!
Basically I'll be eating chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, beans, lentils, quinoa, oats, lots of veg etc anything fresh! Plenty of water and going to try not to add salt to anything I eat.
I weighed myself tonight after dinner and will weigh in every Wednesday night after work. So my starting weight is.......10 st 10lbs - a fair bit heavier than I thought! Ideally I want to lose a least 1lb a week - we have a family wedding at the end of March so if I lost 1lb a week I'd be 9.12 for the big day.
I'm going to take it one day at a time and planning is key. Tomorrow looks like this......
Spin class before work - struggle to get up but I always feel great during the day once it's done.
Breakfast - 1 slice rye bread toasted w/ one tomato and 1/4 avocado
Lunch - chicken, brown rice, cherry tomatoes
Snacks - tangerine and carrot sticks
Bootcamp after work
Dinner - same as lunch!
And no snacking after dinner!!
I'll update you all in a couple of days with how it's going - if you have any tips or cheap healthy recipes please share them!
Lisa xx
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