Wednesday 5 February 2014

Weigh in week 5 and last week of plan!


Another 1.5lbs off this morning bringing me down to 144.5 and bodyfat down to 33.9%.  All going well! Only another 2 days left on this plan - looking forward to relaxing a bit this weekend and then need to decide what I'm going to do going forward.

I definitely work better when I have a structured plan to stick to so I'll need to find something with guidelines! As mentioned before I may just repeat the last 21 days or I'm still reading up on Whole 30 which I'm still keen to do.

I want to get back into the 9's so another 5 and a half pounds to go for that - ideally by the end of February but I think that might be pushing it as I have a weekend away with J for Valentines weekend. 

Want to be 135lbs for end of March which is definitely doable - 9.5lbs in 7 weeks is just over a pound a week so I'm going to focus on that.

If anyone has any tips or has done whole 30 please give me some advice or point me in the right direction!


Lisa x

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