Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Weigh in weeks 9&10

Praise be to all the dieting gods! I weighed in and I'm 9'11! Only makes it 1lb lost in 2 weeks which isn't ideal but I'm just relieved that I didn't put on after my no show at the gym and bad eating!

So onwards and upwards ( or downwards as it should be!) if I lose 1lb this week I'll have lost a stone in total which is great and will just be in time for the wedding! I've optimistically ordered a new dress in a size 10 so fingers crossed it fits and looks great!

Just need to stick in with it all this week then review my plans for April!


Still loving the fasting and I def think its helping me lose despite my slip ups!

Off for an early night as I'm knackered after spinning! Hope you are all doing well : )

Lisa xx

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Falling off the wagon - and getting back on!

Bit of a belated post since I missed my weigh in on Wednesday.  I had a last minute work trip which took up all of last week, meaning I missed m weigh in and somewhere along the way I've lost my health mojo! Bad times!

I tried to make good choices where I could but most of the time convenience won - no access to a gym or a kitchen really screwed with my plans! And I thought after so long of eating clean I wouldn't be tempted by junk but it appears a pizza and chocolate monster still lurks within!

Home now but don't want to weigh myself which I know is stupid but I'm going to do damage control until Weds and hope the result isn't as bad as I thought!

We have this wedding in 2 weeks and next weekend is earmarked for dress shopping so. Really hope I havent undone all my good work : (

Had a healthy day today but it's been a struggle - my body is craving all the rubbish from last week but I won't give in!

A few days back on track should sort me out! Have all my gym classes booked for this week, food all bought so I'm hoping I find my motivation and enthusiasm again. Right now I just feel tired, lazy and want chocolate!

I'll update you all in Weds! Wish me luck : )

Lisa xx

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Weigh in Week 8 and goals for March

Morning : ) Another succesful week as I lost my required 1lb last night bringing me down to 9'12! When I started the blog this is the weight that I wanted to be for the end of March so I'm delighted that I've reached it at the start!

Also means that in another 2lbs I'll have lost a stone since Christmas - excited to reach this milestone!

I've kind of got into a rhythm with it all now which feels really good - I'm not counting calories (except on fast days) I'm not turning down invitations or meals / drinks out and I'm not killing myself at the gym all the time. 

What I am doing is eating completely clean 80% of the time, drinking lots of water, having 2 fast days a week and if I have an occasion or a night out then I go and enjoy it and get back on track the next day.

Gym wise, to be honest I would like to do more as I'm impatient to tone up -  however I'm averaging 3-4 classes a week with a good mix of cardio, weights and Metafit which I'm happy with - if I get the opportunity to do more classes or if I get out of bed early enough then I'll do them but I wont beat myself up if I dont meet those goals.

I briefly spoke about fasting in my last post and it seems to really be working for me.  I'm finding I can easily go all day without food and have my one meal at night and I'm even less hungry the days following it which is great as it means I'm satisfied on healhty meals with no need for snacks!  So for now I'll be keeping this as part of my plan!

I think I did okay with my February goals - the only ones I didnt reach were decluttering and organising and taking up running!! As much as I force it I just dont think I'm going to be a runner which makes me sad!

So for March...

1 - yep, decluttering goes back on the list and to be fair I've already emptied 2 bags of shoes and clothes from my wardrobe that are going to the charity shop so we're off to an okay start!

2 - continue to lose 1lb a week

3 - Try to do something different or more at the gym - as much as I dont want to force myself into things I really think I need to be doing a bit more gym wise to tone up, esp my stomach and love handles!! Even if I go one more day a week and do something different like kettlebells or even yoga / pilates, I just want to try something new that will help!

4 - Continue to look for and try new recipes - in Feb I found a few that I liked but in true Lisa fashion I seem to recycle these over and over until I'm sick of them! Need to keep mixing it up so I'm not eating the same thing every night.

And I think thats it for March! My initial goals were all aimed towards the end of March and the elusive 12 week period of doing something continously until you see a change so I'll continue like this until then.  I think once March is over my goals will change to less of a focus on weight loss and more towards health / fitness based goals.  I dont want to be skinny, I want to be strong and healhty.  So from April onwards it will be about lowering my bodyfat, toning up and possibly training for some sort of 10K (I know, I know!!) or fitness related event.

After cutting out meat I've also been reading stuff about dairy and why its bad for you etc and while I dont want to get caught up in all these fads I do think I'm going to have a serious look at what I eat and drink and what I should be eating and drinking to make my body the healthiest it can be!

Wow - rambled on there a bit!! Hope you are all well - if anyone has good recommendations for workout classes I should be trying or any good recipes please let me know!

Lisa xx