I'm not usually a fan of NYR's - probably because I never stick to them. However with the speed that 2012 went by in, it made me realise that had I stuck to my healthy eating / exercise plans that I eagerly thought up last December I would have spent this Christmas with the body I want. Le sigh!
The last two years have been pretty epic. Promotion and pay rise at work, new car, 2 amazing years with the boy and lots of happy baby / wedding news for my closest friends. However I'm still not happy with my body or diet and that needs to change. I'm by no means drastically overweight - a comfortable 10/12 depending on where I shop and I work out reasonably regularly but it's all so average and I want 2013 to be the year of change!
While I've not thought out the specifics I do know that I want to adopt a clean diet 90% of the time, start running again and take on some type of spartan / deerstalker challenge and to blog regularly to keep myself accountable.
I had really good success with weightwatchers years ago but I think I'd rather eat clean than have to count points plus the ww range contains a lot of processed stuff which I'd like to avoid! Im also trying to steer clear of fad stuff that I've dabbled with in the past - slimming pills, juice diets, detox etc - just no. I want a clear, steady and focused approach to diet and exercise with no quick fixes. I don't want an overnight miracle ( unless you know of any......!) my goal is this time next year and that's what I'm aiming for!
If anyone has any advice, tips or motivation or would like to join me in my journey please get in touch!
Lisa xx